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Minutes of Meeting Meeting called to order by President John Guzzetta at 7:06 PM. Location: Sonora Library Announcements from the President: 1. The Newsletter as we knew it, is gone, instead there will be an "Activity Sheet". George Fontaine will deal with "Matrix" 2. The 2014 dues will be reduced to $20.00 3. Christmas party planner needed. Lynn and Judy will be on the committee. 4. Puyallup Tour: July 8th to July 20th , 2014. There will be a planning meeting at Mt. Brow Winery the first Wednesday of the month, 2/5/14. 5. Santa Clara Valley Roundup will be May 23, 24 & 25 in Milpitas, Ca. Discussion followed regarding the donation of a gift from our club as a door prize at that event. It was decided that the gift would come from Mt. Brow Winery, paid for by the club. 6. The meeting raffle was held. 7. Mike Sardella reported on tours. He suggested that the tours be held the weekend after the meeting. 8. Ed Anderson reported on the Valentines Day tour to Greenhorn Creek Restaurant. Those attending are to meet at O'Reilly's at 9 AM on February 15th. It was decided that the club will pay half of the cost of the member's meal at that event. (Editor note: $10 per *member couple paid by the Club) 9. It was also decided that the tour planner be allowed $25.00 to aid in the planning of the event. 10.. President introduced guest: Mal Seeley, from Oakdale, who has been a MAFCA member since 1955. Eric Segerstrom introduced his son as another guest. 11. Following are proposed tours: 2/15 Valentines Day Tour leader Ed Anderson 3/29 Garage Tour " Dave Pilkington Note: The ladies are invited to the Fontaine home for a tea the same day as the garage tour. Bring cookies or sandwiches. Call Barbara for details Bob Guimarin will host a tour to Hurst Ranch. Details to follow Note: It was suggested that members wear their club vests on above tours.


President advised that Lynn Moeckel would be the Calendar Girl and contact her re: refreshment


Sunshine committee: Rudy Horner fell, but is doing fine.

Old Business:

President has business cards.


Ed Anderson gave out information on the school unification drive and has petitions available to those


George Fontaine reported on "Rods to Rails" on 7/26. There was general discussion relative to

parking at that event.


Larry Sidmore announced that Summerville High School students are having a fundraiser on

2/15. Contact him for details.

Jim Costello announced that they are "back in the wine business"

Meeting adjourned 7:45 PM

Carol Pilkington


Reminder: February is Pizza Nite at our meeting. $5 per will do the trick. Just like last year. Yum!!


Remember to wear your Sonora A’s vests.


Sonora A’s Vintage Voice

January 2014 Model A Ford Club of America - 2 - 1/31/2014

January 2014 VINTAGE VOICE




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